Policies and Procedures
School Safety and Emergency Procedures
A safe and healthy school environment is the number one priority at Willmore. There are many aspects that are involved in this. We believe being prepared and preventive are the best ways to keep our campus a safe place for students. Below are some of the the ways we strive to accomplish this, including basic procedures for emergency situations.
School Climate
Willmore Elementary School provides a learning environment which is physically, emotionally, and socially safe to ensure students are learning at the highest level. Through our partnerships with our PTA and ASES after school program, many of our students benefit from an extended school day at Willmore. The PTA has increased their activities designed to involve more of our families and community members in school.
Willmore is about to enter its sixth year as a PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) Program. We have developed tiers 1 and 2 interventions and will be implementing tier three interventions in the coming year. Returning students have been trained to follow our mantra of Respect, Effort and Pride and our annual training of students in behavioral expectations, inside and outside of the classroom, will continue. The following activities were experienced at Willmore in the previous year:
- Fall Campus Climate Assemblies
- In-class behavioral expectation lessons
- Support from our School Counselor, School Psychologist and OCDE Outreach Concern Counseling Intern
- Lifeskills Curriculum
- Implementation of REP Check parent communication form. This form allows teachers to communicate positive and negative classroom behavior.
Our objectives for the upcoming school year are as follows:
- Willmore will reduce the number of classroom disruptions by 20% as measured by REP Check data during the 2015-2016 school year
- Willmore will achieve a 4:1 ratio of positive interactions to negative interactions during the 2015-2016 school year
- Willmore will assemble a PBIS Tier 2 study team to address struggling students and determine which students will need tier 2 versus tier 3 intervention by the end of October 2015
Safety and Violence Prevention
Willmore Elementary School is committed to providing students with a safe, violence-free, bullying-free learning environment. In order to accomplish this goal, the staff is dedicated to achieving a full implementation of Life Skills/Internet Safety curriculum, providing a framework for social interaction between students, and addressing issues that do arise on campus in a manner that involves staff, students, and families.
Practices and activities to involve students in school in a meaningful way will continue to evolve. This includes, but is not limited to: Reading Buddies, lunch time social clubs, social skills training through our school counselor and Outreach Concern counselor. A PBIS SWIC-CICO Team will study and address the needs of students who are struggling and provide wrap around services. Student connectedness will also be assessed by teachers at the PLC and SST meetings. Parenting Partners will also continue at Willmore, building the capacity of parents, thereby strengthening the connection between home and school. Our relationship with the Boys and Girls Club of Westminster will continue. This interaction will strengthen the notion of an extended school day by aligning our PBIS practices to maintain continuity between the two partners.
Emergency Preparedness
Emergency drills are conducted regularly at different intervals. Practicing Fire (monthly), Earthquake (quarterly), and Intruder drills (twice a year) helps ensure that students know what to do in a dangerous situation. It is by conducting these drills that we ensure that even if students are scared or panicked, they will be able to rely on the training they have done throughout the years at school.
Procedure for Fire
When the fire alarm sounds students are expected to calmly get up from their desks and follow classroom procedures for lining up. From the classroom the teacher will lead students to the designated on-campus evacuation area. These are designated by class letters and numbers painted on the playground blacktop. These are the same numbered areas that students line up for class before the start of school and after morning and lunch recesses.
Procedure for Earthquake (inside)
Should an earthquake happen while students are inside buildings, they are trained and expected to get under a desk with one arm around the leg of the desk to prevent it from moving. After the shaking stops students are to follow the directions of their teacher and proceed to the on-campus evacuation area (see Procedure for Fire, above).
Procedure for Earthquake (outside)
Should an earthquake happen while students are outside, they are trained and expected to sit or kneel on the ground. If possible and safe, students should move away from wires trees or any other structures that could fall and cause injury. After the shaking stops students are to follow the directions of the adult supervisors and proceed to the on-campus evacuation area (see Procedure for Fire, above).
Procedure for Intruder (inside)
In an unlikely event that an intruder enters campus, the principal or other school official will announce on the intercom, "Lock-down, this is not a drill. Lock-down, this is not a drill." When students hear this and they are indoors, they are expected to remain quiet and still while the teacher turns off the lights and locks the doors. Students will either go under their desks on to an area designated by their teacher. Once a lock-down is initiated, there will be no signal to release students. Either a school official, law enforcement or public safety personnel will release the teachers and students by entering the classrooms and delivering an all-clear message.
Procedure for Intruder (outside)
In an unlikely event that an intruder enters campus, the principal or other school official will announce on the intercom, "Lock-down, this is not a drill. Lock-down, this is not a drill." When students hear this and they are outdoors, they are expected to get to the nearest safe place, preferably with an adult. This could be any classroom, the library, computer lab, multipurpose room or any other safe place on campus. Once they are there they are expected to remain quiet and still while the teacher turns off the lights and locks the doors. Students will either go under their desks on to an area designated by their teacher. Once a lock-down is initiated, there will be no signal to release students. Either a school official, law enforcement or public safety personnel will release the teachers and students by entering the classrooms and delivering an all-clear message.
In the unlikely event the campus must be evacuated, students will be taken to the Boys and Girls Club, listed below.
Site Location Name: Boys and Girls Club of Westminster
Address: 14400 Chestnut St. Westminster, CA 92683